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This is an image of one of the CIRCuIT logos, which is a square of four shapes: on the top left a circle, on the top right a square, on the bottom left a square, on the bottom right a square with a rounded corner on the bottom right.

Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) was a collaborative project that ran from 2019-2023 and involved 31 ambitious partners across the built environment chain in Copenhagen, Hamburg, the Helsinki region and Greater London.


Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, the project supported the creation of regenerative cities by implementing sustainable and circular construction practices.​ 

Discover the project's key findings, results and recommendations in this report.


Prior to CIRCuIT, many techniques, tools and approaches related to circular construction had previously been developed and tested around Europe, but circular techniques weren't being demonstrated effectively at a city or regional level - CIRCuIT aimed to change that.


CIRCuIT worked to bridge the gap between theory, practice and policy by delivering a series of demonstrations, case studies, events and other dissemination activities that showcased how circular construction approaches could be scaled and replicated across Europe to enable cities to build more sustainably and transition to a circular built environment.  

CIRCuIT's objective was to demonstrate how cities can scale and replicate these activities and transition their construction sector to a circular economy.  

Discover the key insights from CIRCuIT.



Each city delivered nine demonstrations exploring three innovative interventions:

  • Urban mining and reverse cycles - the reuse and recycling of materials

  • Extending building life through transformation and refurbishment

  • Designing for disassembly and flexible construction to make reuse, recycling, transformation and refurbishment easier

The project set up knowledge and skills sharing to support cities in implementing circular construction solutions and initiate changes at system level through:

  • Developing recommendations, tools and resources, including urban planning instruments, public procurement criteria and roadmaps

  • Establishing a Circularity Hub - a suite of digital platforms including a data atlas, dashboard, citizen engagement portal, materials exchange platform and wiki

  • A knowledge sharing structure to disseminate project experience, knowledge and practices to cities and the construction industry which will include providing training and establishing networks across Europe.

CIRCuIT helped provide a consistent and comprehensive approach to data collection, analysis and management including through: 

  • Developing a concise and robust list of indicators to provide an overview of circularity at city level

  • Creating a material stocks and flow database



This image is the logo of the City of Copenhagen, which includes an outline of three small buildings, with the City of Copenhagen text wrapped around in a three quarters circle.
This is an image of the logo for the city of Hamburg, which is a red caste-like building sitting on top of a wavy blue line with the text 'Hamburg' underneath.
This is an image of the ReLondon logo, which is black text on ReLondon
This image is the logo for tHelsinki Region Environmental Services HSY, which is a on the left hand side a series of light blue, green and dark green droplets in three concentric circles. On the right sight are the letters HSY in green.


This image is a logo for Imperial College London, which is the name in blue text, aligned left. Imperial College is on the first line and London on the second line.
This image is the Eggers logo, which is a tilted, 3D white capital E with a dark blue sides inside a light blue square with rounded edges. EGGERS in dark blue is on the right of the square.
This image is the logo for Otto Wulff, which is a small graphic of a green house on top of the name OTTO WULFF in green text, and on the bottom is BAUUNTERNEHMUNG in black text.
This image is a logo of the company Plan1 Cobblestone Architects. On the left side is a blue building and on the left side is plan1 in grey text, with Cobblestone Architects in capital letters underneath the name.
This is the logo for fsb, which on the left hand side contains 4 horizontal bars and one lime green box on the second bar. On the right side is fsb in black text.
The image is a logo of e-hoch-3, which is three lime green circles in a line. The first circle has a few three-lined bars on the left hand side and the top. Next to the circles is e-hoch-3 in lime green.
This image is the logo for Grimshaw Architects, which is Grimshaw in capital letters in black.
This image is the logo for Kierratyskeskus, which is an oval of three green arrows pointing towards each other.
This is the logo for Maker, which is the word maker in black text. The a is cut off slightly on the top left hand side.
This image is the logo for Hamburg University of Technology. On the left is a light blue T inside a U, on the right side is Hamburg University of Technology in capital light blue text.
This is an image of the Clear Village logo, which is CLEAR VILLAGE in capital letters in black, with the letters A and V filled in, with a plus sign on the top right of the logo.
The image is the logo for the UK Green Building Council. On the left is a series of skewed stacked squares and on the left is UK on top of GBC in black text.
This image is the logo for the International Federation of Housing and Planning, which is the letters IFHP in thin, black text.
This image is the logo for the Greather London Authority, which is the name in capital letters in black and in different stroke weights.
This image is the logo for Enemaerke and Petersen a/s. The left hand side is a grey outline of a house and the right hand side is Enemaerke & Petersen a/s in red text on two lines.
This is an image of the Tampere University logo. On the left side is a T with curved lines on either side of the T, and Tampere University in blue text.
This image is the logo for JJensen architects, which is two j's in dark blue, with the first j having a clear dot outlined with a dark blue border and the second j with a dark blue dot, the end point of it ending in a clear dot outlined in blue. ENSEN follows in capital letters in blue.
This image is a logo for Arkitema Architects, which is ARKITEMA ARCHITECTS in black text, aligned right.
This image is a logo for Vandkunsten Architects, which is the name in black text, aligned left.
This image is the logo for Technical University of Denmark, which is DTU in red on top of three lines that look like two diamonds merged together at the ends.
This image is a logo of the city of Vantaa, which on the left side is a skewed square standing on a corner, with different layers at the top corner with different shades of blue. Vantaa is on the right hand side in black text.
This image is the logo for the Building Research Establishment, which is bre in lime green text.
This image is the logo of Otto Dorner, which is a blue D in a white circle, OTTO DORNER in white capital letters inside a blue rectangle
This image is the logo of GXN architects, which is the letters GXN in black text.
This image is the logo of Ramboll, which is RAMBOLL inside a light blue rectangle. There is a triangle shape cutting into the O.
This image is the logo of umacon, which is umacon in green, with PURKAJA ON inside a rectangle with a green outline above the m.
Lendager Group (transparent).png


This image is the blue EU flag with the stars in a circle in the middle.

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821201.



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