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Applications now open for the 2022 CIRCuIT summer school in Hamburg

Updated: May 31, 2022

Applications for the second Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) summer school are open. Hosted by Hamburg University of Technology, the school will take place from 18th-22nd July 2022. Students will be taken on a practical, immersive journey to explore circular construction through an engaging mix of site visits, demonstrations and workshops.

Following the success of the project's first summer school hosted at Imperial College London in 2021, graduate and post-graduate students of engineering, architecture, design, construction and other related subjects of study or practice are invited to submit applications.

Over the course of the week, students will hear from leading practitioners, thinkers and experts and work together on innovative ideas, concepts, and approaches to implementing circular economy principles in construction. An indicative schedule is available below. The full agenda will be sent to students who are accepted onto the course.

Learning outcomes

The school will help students:

  • Understand circular construction concepts in theory and in practice

  • Develop skills to work collaboratively with peers

  • Explore learning points in practice by producing a series of proposals, designs and/or ideas, depending on their briefs that will be presented on the final day of the school.


Registration is now closed. To provide opportunities for engagement and collaborative working, the maximum capacity of the school is 25 participants, subject to relevant government guidance and regulations should any COVID-19 related concerns arise.

Delivery mode and accessibility requirements

The school is expected to run in person with remote learning options available only for those in countries with restricted travel due to COVID-19 guidance and regulations. Students must be able to attend the whole week in person to successfully complete this course.

If you have any accessibility requirements for attending the school and the sites, please contact


Professor Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Kuchta, Hamburg University of Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Kuchta is Vice President for Academic Affairs of Hamburg University of Technology, Professor for Waste Resource Management and heads the Institute for Circular Resource Engineering and Management (CREM).

Professor Peter Childs, Imperial College London

Professor Peter Childs FREng, FIMechE and Fellow of the ASME is the Professorial Lead in Engineering Design at the Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London and Chairperson at BladeBUG Ltd. His professional interests include creativity tools and innovation, design, heat transfer and rotating flow, sustainable energy and robotics.

Marco Abis, Hamburg University of Technology

Marco Abis has a master's degree from the University of Cagliari and a PhD from Hamburg University of Technology. Since 2016 he has been working as a research assistant at Hamburg University of Technology in the area of mineral waste management.

Janus zum Brock, Hamburg University of Technology

Janus zum Brock has a master’s degree in environmental engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig and has been working on the CIRCuIT project at Hamburg University of Technology since 2020 in the area of waste resource management.

Anja Bernhardt, Hamburg University of Technology

Anja Bernhardt studied International Management at FOM University and Intercultural Management at the EURO-FH in Hamburg. Since 2019, she has been working at the institute for Circular Resource Engineering and Management, focusing on project management and coordination of EU funded projects. CIRCuIT is one of them.

Sofia Hinz, Hamburg University of Technology

Sofia Hinz has a master’s degree in civil engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig and has been working on the CIRCuIT project at Hamburg University of Technology since 2022 in the area of waste resource management.


The summer school will take place at:

  • Hamburg University of Technology (Lectures and workshops), Hamburg Innovation Port, Blohmstraße 15, 21079 Hamburg, Germany

  • B&B Hotel Hamburg-Harburg (accommodation), Theodor-Yorck-Straße 1, 21079 Hamburg, Germany (Please note the rooms have 2 beds and will be shared with up to 1 other participant).

Travel and accommodation

All attendees are responsible for:

  • booking and paying for their own travel to/from Hamburg for the school

  • subsistence beyond 6 x breakfasts, 1 x welcome dinner and 1 x closing dinner, which will be provided by the hotel and school

  • bringing laptops with which to work.

The school will cover:

  • accommodation for 6 nights (arrival on 17th July and departure on 23rd July)

  • 6 x breakfast

  • 1 x welcome dinner

  • 1 x closing dinner

  • any other costs associated with delivering the course.

Students will receive further information on confirming accommodation at B&B Hotel Hamburg-Harburg in Hamburg.


Restrictions and guidelines around COVID-19 will be continually monitored to ensure a safe learning environment. Accepted participants will be notified of any changes in the programme.


Any questions or queries can be directed to

Application form Registration is now closed.

CIRCuIT summer school 2021 Imperial College London - testimonials

"The CIRCuIT summer school gave me an appreciation of the changes happening in the construction industry. As a young civil engineering student, I got the opportunity to contribute to the transition of the industry to a circular economy by questioning and redefining existing circular principles, as well as working on how to kickstart companies into applying them. The programme allowed us to interact and seek guidance from sustainability consultants, architects, and engineers which has hugely broadened my horizon about how the industry is reacting and transitioning to a circular economy." - Nilesh Jeetah, University of Plymouth

Read a summary of the CIRCuIT summer school 2021 here and swipe through the images below.

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This image is the blue EU flag with the stars in a circle in the middle.

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821201.



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